
Made By China: A New Leader In Quality?

By | October 29th, 2019|Blog, Uncategorized, Safety, Technology|

How “Made In China” can become “Made By China” How China’s manufacturing sector is improving to change its image ‘Made in China 2025’ – Turning the world’s largest manufacturer into the strongest? Industries are also slowly increasing involvement in the overall production process, from innovation and R&D to production. For instance, Chinese toy manufacturers have [...]

Smart technology for your wardrobe

By | January 4th, 2017|Blog, Technology|

Smart fabrics are changing the way our clothes interact with our daily lives. Knowing more about them is worth sharing. Can the latest tee shirts now record athletic performance and heart rate? Even Google is working in textiles! Soon there’ll be no need to power your phone at home because our clothes will be able to [...]

Discover the 5 reasons why LED lights are so widespread

By | December 15th, 2016|Blog, Technology|

How efficient are the old-style incandescent Christmas lights that people still use? Are LED Christmas lights the better choice compared to the traditional kind? LEDs seem too good to be true. Is there anything about them that you need to be concerned about? Christmas lights have a long and storied history associated with the light [...]

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